July 2024

Summer is here and with it comes a host of seasonal activities that keep us busy.  It is a time  of travel, vacations, enjoying the many activities of our beautiful lake, and other outdoor opportunities.  Additionally, there are a number of great ministry opportunities provided through our churches.  There are children and youth camps, mission trips, local acts of serving, and Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) — just to mention a few.

By far, VBS continues to be the largest and most effective event we do in our churches during the summer.  VBS accomplishes at least four things in the life of our churches:

  1. It mobilizes our people.  Regardless of the size of the church, it takes an army of volunteers to conduct a VBS.
  2. It energizes our people.  Our people get excited seeing all the children and youth spending time in church, hearing Bible stories, learning the songs, playing games, doing crafts, enjoying snacks, hearing about missionaries, and most importantly, learning they can have a personal relationship with Jesus.
  3. It is an open door of outreach and relationship-building within our communities.  Many of those who attend VBS are not saved and have no real church connection.  In many cases their parents or guardians have no relationship with Jesus or any connection to a local church.  VBS is not complete until we follow up with each child that attends, as well as their family.
  4. It is an investment we make in our communities and children.  By conducting a VBS, each church provides a safe, fun-filled, Gospel-centered event that says we love you as Jesus has instructed us to.  Furthermore, we introduce Jesus to all those who attend and we invite them to be a part of our family of faith.

As we are busy with our summer activities, I hope we can see and understand that VBS is a centerpiece of all we do this summer.

Bro. Wendell
Romans 12:2