Church News & Announcements
Church News
Centre First
Easter Services, April 20, 7:30, 9:00, & 10:30 AM
Dailey Street
Revival, May 4-7, 6:00 PM, Evangelist – Rev. Ricky Pollard
Pastor Wayne Hindman has resigned
Servant's Heart
Easter Egg Hunt, April 12, 2:00 PM, games, crafts, refreshments
Lunch and Easter Egg Hunt, April 13
Will present the “Living Last Supper” Drama, April 13, 11:00 AM
Easter Sunrise Service, April 20, 7:30 AM
Easter Sunrise Services
Cherokee Rock Village at 6:30 AM, Bogan Mountain at 6:00 AM
Pray for our Churches Seeking Pastors
Faith at Piedmont, Farill, Friendship, Liberty,
Servant's Heart, and Tates Chapel
Special Thanks
Children's Homes Collection
Thank you for your abundant giving to the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home, Oxford Campus. Through your generosity, we received and delivered a large number of items. Your giving makes a huge difference in the lives of these children and their foster parents!
Birthday Blessings To Our Pastors!
April 4 – Joe Witcher, Calcedonia
April 8 – Ted Anderson, Dailey Street
April 9 – Jeff Chambers, Noah
May 15 – Jay Penton, Slackland
May 16 – Ken Pace, Unity Hill
May 18 – Mark Cosby, Cedar Bluff First
May 24 – Michael Anderson, Salem
Other News
Helping Hands Ministry Needs:
lotion, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, & toothbrushes for the Hygiene Bags given to the clients — if anyone would like to donate.
FYI: The WMU Missions Mosaic will be printing quarterly instead of monthly beginning in the Fall of 2025.
Upcoming Events
- 27: Associational VBS Clinic, "Magnified," @ New Bethel Baptist Church, 2-3:30 PM
- Training Classes: Directors & Pastors, Bible Study for ALL ages, Crafts, Music, & Missions.
- Overview of Recreations and Snacks.
- Door Prizes!
- 5: "Encourage" Senior Adult Conference @FBC Pelham, 9:30 AM-Noon. Registration is encouraged. Featuring Rick Lance, Guy Penrod, & Frank Jones.
Vacation Bible Schools
(Please send us your VBS Dates.)
- May 3: New Prospect #2, 9:00 AM -5:30 PM
- Salt Lick Cove Campground, Co Rd 16
- June 2-4: Nazareth, 5:30-7:30 PM
- June 9-13: Dailey Street, 9:00 AM-12 Noon
- June 9-13: Faith, Gaylesville, 6:00-8:00 PM
- June 9-13: Unity Hill, 6:00-8:30 PM
- June 11-13: Pilgrim Rest, 6:00-8:30 PM
- June 22-27: Sand Rock, 6:00-8:30 PM
- June 22-25: Shiloh, 5:30-8:00 PM
- June 23-27: Friendship, 6:00-8:30 PM
- June 23-27: Salem, 5:30-8:00 PM
- June 28: Alexis, 12 Noon-2:00 PM
- July 14-16: Sandy Creek Time TBA
- July 16-18: East Centre Time TBA
- July 21-25: Pleasant Arbor 6:00-8:00 PM
Please send your VBS Report to the Assoc Office.
Children’s Homes Collection
Thank you for your abundant giving to the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home, Oxford Campus. Through your generosity, we received and delivered a large number of items. Your giving makes a huge difference in the lives of these children and their foster parents!