This new year is already well under way. Each new year brings many new challenges as well as opportunities. It also serves as a time when we can reset and get a fresh start in many areas of life. One that we may need to address is our spiritual life. This is the most important and critical area of our life that needs attention. The Lord has impressed upon me that He desires for me to live and experience a full life. I also believe this is true for every believer. So, what does this mean and look like? Well, it does not appeal to us in the form of health, wealth, possession, or pleasures. It is found in the attributes of a life that is deeply intimate with Him and controlled by being filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18) and walking completely in step with the Spirit (Gal. 5:25).
There are a great number of attributes listed in the Bible that will lead us to living a full life in the Spirit. Because of space, I am just going to mention a few along with a scripture reference.
- Prayerful Life, I Thess. 5:17. We need a mindset of prayer at all times. It has been said that every failing in our lives can be traced back to a failure in our prayer life.
- Peaceful Life, Phil. 4:7. While we live in a world filled with chaos and conflict, we don’t have to live in fear and distress because of His peace that provides security and stability.
- Thankful Life, Eph. 5:20. God blesses our lives in such a tremendous way every day while we scarcely give thanks back to Him. Let us begin to major in thanksgiving.
- Joyful Life, John 15:11. The joy filled life is a sure sign of the abiding presence of God in our lives. He desires that we display “joy unspeakable and full of glory.”
- Worshipful Life, Psalm 99:9. Worship is not just an act that we perform at a set time or in a designated place. Worship is the very nature of who we are. It is to be our lifestyle.
- Hopeful Life, Rom. 15:13. In a world that is desperate for hope, as believers, we are the only people that possesses hope and we are to proclaim that hope. That hope is Jesus!
I trust that these attributes of the Christian life are present in you. If not, my prayer is, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you would begin to implement them into your life to live a full life.
Bro. Wendell
Romans 15:13