April 2025

Spring Reminds Us of New Life

A long cold and harsh winter is finally behind us.  Spring has arrived and it has brought forth the beauty of God’s creation. Everywhere we look there is the beauty and blessing of God in His creation as we see the flowers in bloom and the trees budding forth with colorful blossoms.  As believers, this symbolizes the new creation – the new life that we have in Christ.  It is no coincidence that Easter comes in the early days of Spring.  Because it is in and through Christ that our sin debt has been paid and forgiveness has been extended, we have died to the person we once were and now we have new life in Christ.

Though Spring reminds us of new life, there is a major difference between the meteorological spring that brings forth new life and the spiritual spring in which we receive new life. The meteorological spring occurs every year following the change of the season of the year that ends with a time of dormancy and death.  The spiritual spring brings forth a beautiful and boundless new life in Christ with our affections set on Him.  It is a life that is endless and reflects the perfect work of salvation and one that does not have to reoccur again.  Also, a new life should never become a life of dormancy as our lives ought to show forth the beauty of what a changed life in Christ really looks like.

May our lives ever model His “workmanship” of doing good works (Ephesians 2:10), “holding forth the word of life” (Philippians 2:16), and “letting our light shine before men” (Matthew 5:16).

By doing so, we point to the attractiveness of Jesus and then we can tell others how they can experience and enjoy the wonder of this new life.

So, as we celebrate the greatest day in history, Easter – the Resurrection of Jesus, may we again be reminded of the wonder of the new life and eternal life we have in Him.  Let us visibly live the attractiveness of a life in Christ and share verbally with others how they can personally experience the message of Easter.

May you and your family, as well as your church family, have a blessed Easter.

Bro. Wendell                                              
Luke 24:6
Christ is Risen Indeed!